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MenWoW - Registration Agreement Terms

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The moderators and administrators of this forum will do their best to delete or edit any reprehensible messages that may be posted on the forum. You acknowledge that all messages posted on this forum express the opinion of their respective authors, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the moderators and administrators.

In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.

Menwow Rules & Regulations. General: Behavior 1: 1.1 MenWoWers All are treated equally in equal circumstances. Discrimination because of religion, belief, political opinion, race, gender or any other grounds whatsoever shall not be permitted. 1.2 Val no members in any way personally. React properly and respectfully to each other. 1.3 Watch your language. MenWoW for all ages and it is expected of you that you are in General Civilized English mail / chat. 1.4 Messages which private data is provided is not allowed. Such data (such as telephone numbers., Ftp, naw-data etc.) are removed. 1.5 You may not Serials, Cracks, Hacks, Patches, Keygens, Torrents or other forms of illegal software, etc. to post or to refer to such files. 1.6 Keep both ingame and on forums nice and fun, this makes for a fun time for everyone MenWoW. If you purposely sit spoil the atmosphere will be punished. 1.7 A decision by a GM or Admin should always be reported to you personally. If you disagree with this you need the appropriate GM or Admin person to be solved, not through a public discussion. A GM or Admin 1.8 is entitled at all times the penalty method and / or rule changes. 1.9A Complaints can be sent to GM or Admin via PM or email. 1.9b If there are things unclear, feel free to approach management via PM or email. NOTE: Should avoid a situation where these rules do not apply or where doubt exists, then the final decision about this situation at all times to manage, if this has consequences for individual users, these users can be heard. The final decision of management is final. Game: The general conduct rules apply see General section. 2.1a Found bugs are reported with a GM and / or be posted on the forum. When posting, however, that he was not already there, keep this forum organized. 2.1b Bug abuse in any form whatsoever will be punished. Eg: - People kill your own faction -From a repeatable quest Bugged much gold / Reputation / Experience gain -Abuse of Bugged mobs / NPCs 2.2 PVP is allowed, but please note that you keep it fun for everyone. 2.3 It is not allowed during a ban by other means yet to come online. 2.4 If you unwanted behavior / mood is infectious process in language / spam etc. will be punished. 2.5a If you need a GM or Admin in game, ask via whisp. If the whisp off means that the pressure on GM or Admin. Ask the World once and possibly again later in whisp or world, but not keep nagging. 2.5b GM's and Admin's should not be disturbed in terms of bugs and other problems if they play their characters are, then they just want peace. 2.6 If GM and Admin so we want to be objective if we do not think we are on a player, GM or Admin will arrange someone for you, and you let us know (This does not mean someone right for you). 2.7 Purpose Quest GM, which will only normal quests Compline. Reputation quests that unlock achievements or special (mount) rewards will not give a Quest gecomplete be GM. About a GM or Admin will decide on what to do with the quest. Bugged Dailys are not gecomplete in advance. There will always be situations where quests or not gecomplete by an Admin or GM-Quest. VB. AT quests are not completed. 2.8 It is prohibited by guards to level in areas not meant for your level are. Outlands Level 58 Northrend level 68 (previously not allowed in these areas to come) Forum The general conduct rules apply, see General section. 3 Management. 3.1 The management reserves the right to remove or edit messages, topics to close or move. 3.2 In the event that the rules are violated, the administration sent a warning to the member. 3.3a warnings "minor offenses" (these include, excessive spamming, advertising, violently curses etc.) 7 days will remain in the system. 3.3b Warning for 'more serious offenses "(these include rasti CAL comments etc) will forever remain in the system. 3.3c If the member after one or more warnings still misbehaves, this can result in a ban. The duration of this spell is the GM's / Admins jointly determined. 4 Topics and own posts. 4.1a If you want to talk about something and there's still no thread about, you may open a new topic. Please ensure however that this is the proper forum. 4.1b If your topic in the wrong forum will place a GM or Admin move it. 4.2 If you open a topic sure it has a clear opening post. Tell briefly why you have opened the topic, your purpose of the topic and what you expect from the members. 4.3 Imagine after first registration for the proposed topic. We like new members if anything about themselves. Active participation in the forum are appreciated. 4.4a double post is not appreciated, it was a hiccup in the server and prevent someone has posted one else can do this yourself. Is this not possible then the post by a GM or Admin removed. 4.4b When no one responded to your post, but you still want to add something, you can edit your last post. 4.4c Spamming is allowed only in designated topic. Spamming outside that topic is not appreciated and will therefore be removed without cause. 5 Graphical information. 5.1 When a topic is closed after a short time will be moved to the archive. 5.2 Avatars are allowed, provided they are within the maximum size of 115 by 96 pixels and 19.5 kb remain. Provide your own convenience and that of the members that your avatar is not already used by another member. 5.3a Captions are also used on the forum. A caption has a maximum of 500 characters and / or an image of 500 by 100 pixels. 5.3b The caption can contain links. If these links but linking to a pr0n site or any other offensive / illegal site, the caption on the spot and removed a warning or other action will follow. 5.4 for both avatar and signature is not that sexist / racist endanger-may, profanity or other objectionable elements (see also Section 1. General).